Why You Feel Everything Sucks - The Reality of Happiness | Andrew Huberman | Neuroscience for Life

Описание к видео Why You Feel Everything Sucks - The Reality of Happiness | Andrew Huberman | Neuroscience for Life

A lot of us can feel we are at a place in our lives where everything feels like it sucks, you just can't seem to find happiness. In order to help us understand how we can achieve a more pleasant state of mind and being, Dr. Huberman first clearly defines what happiness, specifically that happiness cannot be pinned or narrowed down to a single chemical or molecule. Dr. Huberman then explains the two critical components that we must work on in order to find balance and avoid suffering, in the quest for happiness. These components can be broken down into meaning and connection, and the endeavors we as humans take to fulfill these areas of our lives, includes our access to resources (income in the modern society), our social lives and well-being, and tools to build our capacity to focus such as exercise and meditation.

Andrew Huberman, Ph.D., is a neuroscientist 🧑‍⚕️ and Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the Stanford University School of Medicine. He has made numerous contributions to the fields of brain development, brain function, and neural plasticity, which is the ability of our nervous system to rewire and learn new behaviors, skills, and cognitive functioning. 🧠


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