Focus Mode & Focus Area

Описание к видео Focus Mode & Focus Area

Just like pairing the food with good wine, one needs to pair Focus Mode and Focus Area correctly in order to get the subject (moving vs non moving) in focus.

As promised in my last video, I've created a video (this one) on focus modes. However, I can't fully explain what focus mode is without also taking about focus area. I hope this video is useful for beginners!

Learn to use Back Button Focusing in the previous tutorial:
   • Back Button Focusing and how to do it...  

Jump to the quiz at 11:18 if you have already known about Focus Mode and Focus Area.

This video is not about:
-Detailed explanation of each focus area option in Canon, Sony and Nikon
-Performance comparison of any kind between Canon, Sony and Nikon


1) Intro 0:00

2a) Focus Modes: 1:29
-Focusing is the combined settings of Focus Mode & Focus Area
-When you press the shutter halfway down, the camera will grab the focus, and this process is called "Autofocusing" (AF).
-There are 4 Focus Modes in any camera: AF-S, AF-C, AF-A and MF
-Find out what Focus Mode, Autofocus Single & Continuous Servo are called in your own camera.

2b) Common mistake: (4:18)

2c) Manual focus and focus peaking: (5:12)

2d) To toggle fast between AF-S and AF-C, use Back Button Focusing (5:50)
Learn to use Back Button Focusing in the previous tutorial:
   • Back Button Focusing and how to do it...  

3) Focus Area: (6:14)
-Different cameras will have different options for the focus area, and the names can be quite different.
-No matter what camera you are using, focus area can be broken down into 3 categories: Wide, Zone and Spot
-Find out what Wide and Spot Focus Areas are called in Sony, Canon and Nikon (6:32)

4) Pairing up Focus Mode & Focus Area (8:00)

5) Settings for tracking in Canon R5 + demo (9:00)

6) Settings for tracking in Sony a7iii + demo (10:19)

7) Quiz & Answer (11:18)


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