Описание к видео 威剛動力 ADATA POWERTRAIN

全視野動能整合者 Navigator of all solutions
動力源於其自身的卓越 ,在於強大而高效的馬達
全球知名記憶體領導品牌威剛科技成立於2001年,於2015年正式進軍電動馬達事業領域,歷經長期的默默耕耘運作,憑藉龐大卓越的研發團隊與各地延攬的業界傑出人才,整合集團內豐富的行銷資源與遍及五大洲七大洋的全球通路優勢,蓄勢待發以新能源動力黑馬之姿,打造出整合性客製、高性能、低噪音之電動馬達,強悍霸氣的材質搭配細膩輕量的工業設計,可輕易融入各式車輛設計,完美搭配不同載具,輕鬆展現出極速高扭力的穩定效能,讓每位車主都能享受風馳電掣的疾速快感,完整實踐全方位整合的品牌精神 Navigator of all solutions。

Excellent Performance from High Power Electric Motors
ADATA, a world-leading memory brand founded in 2001, formally entered electric motors industry in 2015. Thanks to its outstanding R&D talent, excellent marketing resources, and diverse channels that span the whole world, ADATA is now ready to make waves in the electric motor field by providing optimally-customized, high-performance, and low-noise products. ADATA’s motors are perfectly suited to a wide variety of applications, e.g. next-generation electric vehicles, because of their quality design, high performance, robustness and reliability, and are perfectly epitomized the brand’s philosophy of serving as a navigator of all solutions.

威剛動力 ADATA POWERTRAIN: http://www.adata-powertrain.com


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