OpAMP: Scaling OpenTelemetry with Flexibility - Husni Alhamdani & Herbert Sianturi

Описание к видео OpAMP: Scaling OpenTelemetry with Flexibility - Husni Alhamdani & Herbert Sianturi

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OpAMP: Scaling OpenTelemetry with Flexibility | OpAMP:灵活扩展OpenTelemetry - Husni Alhamdani, CNCF Ambassador & Herbert Sianturi, Krom Bank Indonesia

In this session, we will delve into how OpAMP (Open Agent Management Protocol) revolutionizes the management of large fleets of data collection Agents and its pivotal role in scaling OpenTelemetry deployments with unparalleled flexibility. Discover how OpAMP empowers organizations to remotely manage diverse Agents, irrespective of vendor, through its vendor-agnostic protocol. Learn how OpAMP facilitates status reporting, telemetry reporting, centralized management, allowing for tailored configurations and efficient monitoring of individual Agents or types of Agents, management of downloadable Agent-specific packages, and robust connection credentials management. Join us to unleash the potential of OpAMP and revolutionize your OpenTelemetry scalability strategy.

在这场演讲中,我们将深入探讨OpAMP(开放式代理管理协议)如何革新大规模数据收集代理的管理,并在扩展OpenTelemetry部署中发挥关键作用,具有无与伦比的灵活性。 发现OpAMP如何赋予组织远程管理各种代理的能力,无论供应商如何,通过其供应商无关的协议。了解OpAMP如何促进状态报告、遥测报告、集中管理,允许定制配置和有效监控单个代理或代理类型,管理可下载的特定代理软件包,以及强大的连接凭证管理。 加入我们,释放OpAMP的潜力,革新您的OpenTelemetry可扩展性策略。


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