60 Valborg 2024 i Uppsala - Mösspåtagning, Forsränning, Majbrasa…

Описание к видео 60 Valborg 2024 i Uppsala - Mösspåtagning, Forsränning, Majbrasa…

Swedish Walpurgis Night – the origins
Walpurgis was a saint who lived in Germany in the 8th century, and it was Germans who initially brought the Walpurgis Night tradition to Sweden in the Middle Ages.

Back then, the administrative year ended on 30 April. So it was very apt that this was a day of festivity among the merchants and craftsmen of the town, with trick or treat, dancing and singing in preparation for the forthcoming celebration of spring.

Among farmers and peasants, it was an important day in the calendar as the annual village meeting was held. A new alderman was chosen and eggs and schnapps were served as refreshments. It was also at Walpurgis that farm animals were let out to graze.

Ever since the early 1700s bonfires (majbrasor, kasar) have been lit to scare away predators. People also fired guns, shook cowbells or yelled and screamed to keep the predators at bay.

In some parts of the country, young people went round singing May songs in return for gifts of food on Walpurgis Night. Those who gave them nothing were treated to a ‘nasty’ ditty. Elsewhere, people visited spas to drink the health-giving water and to amuse themselves.

1 May – a public holiday
Walpurgis Night is followed by 1 May − a public holiday in Sweden since 1939. On this traditional workers’ day, the streets are usually filled with May Day demonstrations, meetings and speeches.

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