Brushless DC Speed Controller

Описание к видео Brushless DC Speed Controller

In this video I'm going to show how i built a brushless DC (BLDC) ESC (electronic speed controller) based on an Atmega328P microcontroller. This ESC was a prototype for a much larger one that I'll be using to drive the 1500-watt motors on my submarine. The video also explains the theory behind how a brushless DC motor works, and some troubleshooting tips that you may find helpful if you build one of these yourself.

The code i used for the first test can be found here:

I later modified it to add a reverse function and adjusted the startup sequence settings to get a smoother start to my motors.

A guide on using the Atmega328P microcontroller by itself (without the arduino board) can be found here:

Hardware used:

Flyback Diodes: MUR120G
MOSFET Drivers: IR2101
5V Linear Regulator: LM7805
MOSFET Driver supply regulator: LM317

The motor used in the first part of this video is a very old brushless motor i used to fly on a drone, and I'm not sure what the part number is or if it's still in production.

The submarine motors are Turnigy SK3 6374-192 kV brushless motors. I've replaced their ball bearings with bronze sleeves, and coated the rotor and stator with enamel to protect against saltwater.

Arduino Code:


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