blazor popup get started modal window with overlay

Описание к видео blazor popup get started modal window with overlay

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sure! blazor is a web framework that allows developers to build interactive web applications using c instead of javascript. one common ui pattern used in web applications is the modal window, which can display alerts, confirmations, or forms.

in this tutorial, we will create a simple blazor application that includes a modal window with an overlay. we'll cover the following steps:

1. *setting up the blazor project*
2. *creating the modal component*
3. *using the modal in a parent component*
4. *styling the modal*

step 1: setting up the blazor project

if you haven't already, create a new blazor webassembly project. you can do this using the .net cli:

dotnet new blazorwasm -o blazormodalapp
cd blazormodalapp

open the project in your preferred ide (e.g., visual studio, visual studio code).

step 2: creating the modal component

next, we will create a reusable modal component. create a new folder called `components`, and inside that folder, create a file named `modal.razor`.

!-- modal.razor --

@code {
[parameter] public bool isvisible { get; set; }
[parameter] public eventcallbackbool isvisiblechanged { get; set; }
[parameter] public renderfragment childcontent { get; set; }

private void closemodal()
isvisible = false;

@if (isvisible)
div class="modal-overlay"
div class="modal"
button class="close" @onclick="closemodal"x/button

step 3: using the modal in a parent component

now, we will create a parent component that will use our modal. open the `pages` folder and modify the `index.razor` file to include the modal.

!-- index.razor --

@page "/"

h3blazor modal example/h3

button @onclick="showmodal"open modal/button

modal isvisible="@ismodalvisible" isvisiblechanged="@((value) = ismodalvisible = value)"
h4this is a moda ...

#Blazor #ModalWindow #numpy
modal window
get started
user interface
web development
UI design
user experience
data binding
responsive design


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