monster hunter rise sunbreak - risen valstrax switch axe solo 3'41"98

Описание к видео monster hunter rise sunbreak - risen valstrax switch axe solo 3'41"98

haha funi head in rock ko
if i hit him at the start 0.0001 seconds earlier and he aggroed me instead of remobra it'd be sub 3'40...
but i'm done with this for now, it's absolutely cooked with his charge up ai changing if he targets small monsters, i keep dying to remobras early in the hunt, i die to raknoids after ambush when val is almost dead, i die to random hellfire pops which i still don't understand, etc. me very angry me big cope
swaxe counter is funny and all with the windup and huge hitlag but on endgame monsters it's hard to set up and execute without just dying afterwards - if that last hopium counter didn't kill i probably would have carted and i probably would have smashed my keyboard
also i set shadowplay to 5 mins so it cut off my fast travel...

music: yakuza 0 - pledge of demon


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