Who Said That Filipinas Aren't Go-Getters? Sisters Doing It for Themselves, Philippines

Описание к видео Who Said That Filipinas Aren't Go-Getters? Sisters Doing It for Themselves, Philippines

A New Endemic has infiltrated province life in the Philippines. We were locked down for years. WE were forced to stay at home. The only contact with the outside world was via our smartphones. And just when we thought that we’re free from the pandemic, another far worse endemic has infiltrated province life in the Philippines.

In Bohol a notification popped up of a filipina nearby livestreaming, so I clicked on the livestream as she was saying the words ……"I need a new phone guys!"
Now we all know what that means don’t we?

When I was in Cebu earlier this year I met a bunch of filipinas who’d recently set up YouTube channels - on two to fifteen thousand subscribers at the time. Six months later a few of them have reached 100k or more. When her cousins, neighbours, friends see how successful they can become over a short, short space of time doing relatively little for big gains - they all jump on the bandwagon. Small pockets of filipina poseurs are gathering in different locations all around the Philippines. Like a virus.

They live steam daily. Going about their day. Doing their household chores. Cleaning their rooms. Preparing breakfast. What sorted out as innocent streaming their simple lives, they soon realised they needed to show how they bathed themselves in the outback fifteen times a day.

And would be guaranteed more views and more interest if they pranced around in their underwear, Showing how easy it is to fleece foreigners saps overseas who chuck serious cash at them whilst being told 200 times a minute how beautiful they are.

Why do guys do this?
Why would you throw your money at a young filipina on the other side of the world?
What do the guys get in return?
A flash of dollars appear on the screen.
She says “wow, thank you Brian, You sucker, that’s very kind of you.”
I guess they’re getting instant satisfaction, a pretty YouTuber has said my name on her livestream. Another guy has upped his stake and sent her twice the amount. Now he’s billy big bollox and I’ve been usurped, so I’m gonna up my stakes too.
Why, why, why?
Do they not see they’re being sad simps or do they not care?
Is the guy who’s wasting his hard earned pension money seriously deluded into thinking that maybe this young filipina on the other side of the world’s gonna fall for me in real life if I chuck loads of cash at her?

But what about the filipinas fronting these channels brought up in poverty without a pot to piss now have serious life changing money coming in having transformed themselves into self obsessed social media hoes. Resulting in serious life changing repercussions right? What with being told on repeat how gorgeous you are how gorgeous you are how gorgeous you are is gonna go to your head, had their status elevated to preening prima donnas.

Their shallow filipina lives now broadcasted on every social media reaching every corner of the world. What started out as a couple of hours livestreaming each day has progressed into a 24 hour marathon media obsession where their entire existent is permanently on display. Their smartphones Live Streaming their every bowel movement that day. As Shakespeare said - All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. There’s no turning off their on screen/off screen presence. No blurring of boundaries. If there’s drama in your life. Broadcast it. There’s nowhere to hide. Big Brother is no longer the enemy.

The public have embraced Big Brother’s presence. Welcomed surveillance in their homes to watch over you at all times. Watching exactly how many fast bucks you can earn whilst your heart pines.
Life is a cabaret old chum. The show must go on and on and on. Will it End in Tears? Great! Shed them. You’re public property now. We wanna see them! Crocodile Tears an all.

Who can blame them? Who can criticise young filipinas for using their bodies to escape from poverty? If I had a pretty face, a slim physique with no breasts, but a hot booty I’d probably do the same. Cash in quick on my youthful looks that will quickly fade in the Philippines. As Warhol said everyone will be world-famous for 15 minutes, so they’d best make the most of themselves whilst they can, because it probably won’t last.

OSMO DJI Pocket 3.


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