EXTREMELY Impressive and SUPER Premium Merriken Knives Mini Ultimatum

Описание к видео EXTREMELY Impressive and SUPER Premium Merriken Knives Mini Ultimatum

Thanks to ‪@Knifedope‬ For The Loaner
Merriken Mini Ultimatum at these links below(non affiliate)

American Edge - https://shorturl.at/NIWdh
Patriot Knifeworks - https://shorturl.at/uBql4
Recon One - https://shorturl.at/BgId5

Contact: [email protected]
Instagram: Rollshambo_edc
New Arrivals From Trusted Retailers
DNKKnives - https://www.dnkknives.com/
BladeOps - https://bit.ly/3JzluPZ
Blade HQ - https://shrsl.com/3zjx4
GP Knives - https://shrsl.com/3zjx8
Vosteed - https://shrsl.com/3zjxg
10% Off Discounts for

Wuben Flashlights - Code : REDC20

DNK Knives- Code= Rollshambo10

White Mountain Knives - Code = RSB10

Affiliate Links Below this point!

Knife Maintenance
Civivi Ti Clip - https://amzn.to/3UQQY8F
KPL (Knife Pivot Lube) - https://amzn.to/3gjaNGI
Gunny Juice (Stropping/polishing compound) - https://amzn.to/3PkdKFS
Beavercraft Stropping Paddle - https://amzn.to/3Er4NDJ
Rem Oil ( lubricant for OTF knives) - https://amzn.to/3OqroF9
WorkSharp Precision Adjust (Angled Knife Sharpener) -https://amzn.to/3EMmYoP
Wiha Torx Driver (knife dissassembly) - https://amzn.to/3AwmKj9

Reccomended Knives
Kansept Baku - https://shrsl.com/47gxv
Kansept Fenrir - https://shrsl.com/47gxt
Civivi Sentinel Strike - https://shrsl.com/47gx3
CJRB Ekko - https://shrsl.com/47gx5
CJRB Perfect Pyrite - https://shrsl.com/47gxa
Petrified Fish Victor - https://shrsl.com/47gxd
Chaves Kickstop Redencion 229 - https://shrsl.com/47gxf
Begg Astio - https://shrsl.com/47gxj
Begg Bodega - https://shrsl.com/47gxm
Begg Mini Glimpse - https://shrsl.com/47gxp
Bestechman Ronan - https://shrsl.com/47gxq

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