Unsuccessful Stories Successful

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Unsuccessful Stories Successful#Michael Jordan#World Basketball‎

Michael Jordan

"Boundaries, like fears, are often just illusions."

This statement does not belong to a philosopher, but to the legendary basketball player Michael Jordan. This athlete knows firsthand what the fear of losing is like and how to overcome it.

Jordan admits that he made many mistakes in life, lost in more than 300 matches, made thousands of unsuccessful shots, 26 of which decided the fate of the game. However, the athlete believes that it was thanks to his losses that he became a champion.

What is the secret of this paradox?

The answer lies in the "lemon rule," voiced by the famous Dale Carnegie: "If fate hands you a lemon, try to make lemonade out of it."

Our hero today, Michael Jordan, believes that his weaknesses are the main driving force that propels him towards new victories. It is his desire to overcome his fears that led Jordan to success. It's really quite simple - if you're afraid, push yourself again and again until the fear of failure disappears.

Michael Jordan, accordin...

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