Schloss Rastatt, Germany

Описание к видео Schloss Rastatt, Germany

Beautiful Baroque palace.

Some interesting facts:
1) This palace was built under the order of Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden, who was also called "Türkenlouis" for defeating the Ottomans. Therefore, inside the palace, you will see references to his exploits, including figures of Turkish prisoners supporting the ceiling
2) The Treaty of Rastatt, which was one of the treaties that ended the War of the Spanish Succession, was signed here in a "room" that was Louis William's cabinet
3) The golden Zeus statue on top of the palace, he is holding a bolt of lightning, which is facing the direction of France, the enemy at that time.
4) The palace was not yet completed when Türkenlouis died
5) Rastatt was once an important city, but lost importance once Baden-Durlach and Baden-Baden were reunified and the capital moved to Karlsruhe


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