Top 10 Tips for Beginners Witchcraft | Modern Witch

Описание к видео Top 10 Tips for Beginners Witchcraft | Modern Witch

Unlock the secrets of witchcraft with 10 essential tips to guide you on your mystical journey! 🌙✨

Whether you're drawn to the art of spell-casting, divination, or herbalism, it's crucial to understand that witchcraft is a diverse and personal path. While covens and online communities offer support and knowledge sharing, remember that solitary practice is equally valid. Explore your local community for hidden treasures like witchy shops and markets bursting with magical herbs and artefacts. Connect with nature to harness its power, whether foraging for herbs or meditating under the moonlight. And remember, you don't need elaborate tools to practice witchcraft—minimalism can be just as magical. Craft your sacred space, keep a journal to document your journey, and always set clear intentions for your spells. Above all, embrace the joy of witchcraft and let the magic flow freely. Whether you're casting spells with friends or practising alone, may your journey be filled with wonder and enchantment.

✨Chapters! ✨-
00:00 - Intro
00:21 - Know the Basics
01:08 - Google is Your Best Friend
01:43 - You Don't Need a Coven
02:26 - Explore Your Local Community
03:10 - Explore Your Local Wildlife
03:59 - Nothing?!
04:48 - Create an Altar
05:50 - Keep a Grimoire
06:37 - Goals and Intentions
07:08 - ???

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