Gifted Adults: Work the Way You’re Wired to Increase Impact | Meghan Bonde | TEDxWoodinville

Описание к видео Gifted Adults: Work the Way You’re Wired to Increase Impact | Meghan Bonde | TEDxWoodinville

#Giftedkidburnout has over 370 million views on social media. But what happens when gifted kids become adults? Gifted, neurodivergent leaders are often intensely sensitive, energetic, curious, complex, idealistic, creative, passionate, empathetic, driven, and have a strong sense of fairness. While these traits are strengths, this intensity is often seen as “too much”. As a result, many adults mask their intensity, leading to decreased impact, and burnout. Meghan shares an idea about how these neurodivergent leaders can accelerate change toward their vision and amplify their impact while also offering a message that may be most critical for gifted adults who feel exhausted: they are not alone. Meghan is the founder of and supports gifted, creative, and neurodivergent entrepreneurs and leaders to work in the way they are wired and amplify their impact. She has facilitated learning for thousands of leaders globally with a focus on learning and equity. Meghan is a lifelong learner who fosters growth in individuals and organizations alike. She identifies as multiple neurodivergent including AuDHD, “Superhearer” (CAPD), Gifted, Highly Sensitive, and Traumatic Brain Injury. She is most proud of her leadership successes as a neurodivergent self advocate and within her exceptional family. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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