Kakejiku - Making of a Japanese Hanging Scroll

Описание к видео Kakejiku - Making of a Japanese Hanging Scroll

Hideyuki Kamon makes Kakejiku -- the hanging scrolls you see in japanese tea rooms, temples or traditional guest houses. He is what is called a "Hyōgushi", a scroll mounter.
In 2012, I visited him in Takarazuka, Japan where he lives and works. In the course of three days, he showed me all the steps it takes to assemble a Kakejiku from paper and fabric.

If you're interested in learning more:
• Mr. Kamon's Website is www.kouseidou.jp (Japanese)
• en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kakemono
• www.amazon.com/Japanese-Homes-Their-Surroundings-Architecture/dp/0486207463

I hope you enjoy the film. Please give feedback or I will be unable to do better next time!


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