Chinese Podcast #61: What do the Chinese Girls Value the Most in a Relationship? 中国姑娘最看重伴侣什么品质?

Описание к видео Chinese Podcast #61: What do the Chinese Girls Value the Most in a Relationship? 中国姑娘最看重伴侣什么品质?

Today, we are thrilled to welcome our guest Feifei from China. Feifei carries a multitude of labels with her life's journey. She was once the former assistant of the renowned Chinese celebrity Liu Yifei, who portrayed Mulan in Disney's live-action film. Feifei herself has also taken on roles as a film director, art school teacher, real estate manager, rural education volunteer teacher, amusement park manager, and much more. Just last month, she embraced a new role – that of a mother. Presently, her life encompasses a loving husband, a precious son, and a home filled with happiness. However, before reaching this point, she experienced the pain of a tumultuous relationship and a brief, less than ten-day-long marriage. 今天,我们非常激动地邀请到了中国嘉宾飞飞。飞飞的人生经历涵盖了多重角色和身份,其中包括曾是中国著名明星刘亦菲的前助理(刘亦菲扮演了迪士尼真人电影《花木兰》中的主角),电影导演,艺校教师,房地产经理,山区支教志愿者,游乐园经理等等。就在上个月,她迎来了一个全新的身份——成为一位母亲。如今,她的生活充满了温馨,拥有一个贴心的丈夫,一个可爱的儿子,构筑了一个幸福美满的家庭。然而,在迈向这一阶段之前,她也曾历经痛苦的情感历程,包括一段不足十天的失败婚姻。

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