How To Uninstall WordPress From Namecheap cPanel 🔥 | Delete WordPress!

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How To Uninstall WordPress From Namecheap cPanel | Delete WordPress!
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In this Namecheap tutorial video, we go over how to uninstall WordPress from Namecheap using cPanel. Whether you are wanting to remove, delete, or uninstall WordPress from Namecheap this step-by-step tutorial will be perfect for you.

Two common reasons you might want to uninstall WordPress from Namecheap are you need a fresh start on your site or maybe you want to use another site builder offered by Namecheap such as the Namecheap website builder, Magento, Drupal, Joomla, or another.

To start we want to manually uninstall WordPress from Namecheap via cPanel.

You want to start by logging into Namecheap. I’m here on the Namecheap dashboard page. In the left-side menu click on Hosting List. You’ll now see your current Namecheap hosting subscription. Where you see the arrow next to the renew button click this. From the dropdown, click Go to cPanel.

You’ll now be on the Namecheap cPanel page. Find the Softacoulous Apps Installer section. You’ll see WordPress. Click this. On this page, up at the top find the WordPress icon and you’ll see it says WordPress Manager when hovering over it. Click this.

You’ll now see the WordPress installations you have. Find the one you want to uninstall and delete. Click the arrow icon. Scroll down where you see the uninstall button. Click it. You’ll now see the remove directory, remove database, and remove database user being selected. You want to have all of these selected to completely uninstall and delete the WordPress installation.

Scroll down and click the remove installation button. A popup will show up about these actions are irreversible. Click the ok button to proceed in removing the WordPress installation.

Once it is finished you’ll see it says the installation was removed successfully.

That is how to uninstall WordPress from Namecheap cpanel. You've now successfully deleted your WordPress website from Namecheap using cPanel.

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