SWFL Eagles 2-1-25. F23 Gets Sips, Bathes, Dries on the DSPS, + An All-Important Preening Session!!

Описание к видео SWFL Eagles 2-1-25. F23 Gets Sips, Bathes, Dries on the DSPS, + An All-Important Preening Session!!

Video opens with F23 arriving at the pasture pond. She gets lots of sips, wades, soaks, and takes a bath. She leaves the water, then returns for a second dip of wading/soaking. When done bathing, she flies to the DSPS (drive side pond snag) to dry. She does some light preening with wings out, and has a twelve minute preening session! I included a short zoom clip of the preening session. When birds are ill, they tend to stop preening to conserve energy. It is one of the first behaviors we will notice change with a sick bird. Normally, we see the birds preening throughout the day, starting with morning preening sessions. I was so happy to watch F23 preen, even though the view was distant. It has been wonderful to see F23 and M15 take baths at the pond, which to me indicates they are returning to normal behavior. After drying, F23 flew to the treetop branch. When she left, she headed S, then E. Time stamps below, if interested. Click on any time stamp to advance to that part

SWFL Eagle Cam Banner report 2-1-25: M flew to the nest tree early, Sub-Adult landed in treetop. Both went to the nest, M flew North. F23 took a bath, perched on, DSPS, treetop, flew South. M to the pond, treetop, flew NE at 6:24p. Great Spirit keep them safe and E24 and E25 in your care.

Thumbnail: F23

Time stamps: Provided in DVR time; actual time is on the cam clock.
00:00. Opening.
00:05. F23 arrives at the pond.
00:24. F23 gets a sip.
00:34. F23 gets a sip.
00:45. F23 gets a sip.
01:04. F23 gets a sip.
01:16. Closer view.
02:30. F23 gets a sip.
03:12. F23 wades, does some face dips along the way.
05:34. Face dips.
06:31. Face dip.
07:08. Face dip, more wading.
07:53. Face dip.
08:30. F23 gets started briefly on her bath.
08:59. More wading.
09:18. F23 has found her bathing spot.
10:22. Head of what appears to be a softshell turtle breaks the surface right above the logo.
10:30. F23 leaves the water.
11:21. F23 back in for the second dip, just wading/soaking.
12:20. F23 leaves view by the overhang bush.
12:28. F23 flies to the DSPS.
12:42. Wings out, drying, light preening.
13:57. Rousing.
14:13. Short zoom clip of F23's twelve minute preening session.
15:08. F23 to the nest tree.
15:35. F23 takes flight, heads S, then E.

Links to assist with plumage/age for Bald Eagles:
1. https://www.featheredphotography.com/...
2. https://avianreport.com/age-and-ident...
3. https://www.onthewingphotography.com/...

My Season 13 Playlist on my channel includes ground videos from my summer visits to the nest pasture. There are also four ground videos from early summer (after the cams went off for Season 12), in my Season 12 Playlist. Here are the playlist links, if interested:
Season 13:    • SWFL Eagles Season 13  
Season 12:    • SWFEC Season 12 2023/2024  

Season 13 History:
Egg #1 - laid 11-8-24 @ 2:38PM
Egg #2 - laid 11-11-24 @ 6:15PM
Egg #1 - pip observed 12-13-24 @ 9:40AM (09:40:26)
Egg #1 (E24) - hatched 12-14-24 @ 16:01:35 (4:01PM)
Egg #2 - pip observed 12-15-24 @ 3:06PM (15:06:53)
Egg#2 (E25) - hatched 12-17-24 @ 5:48AM (05:48:26)

Southwest Florida Eagle Cam YouTube Channel:    / @southwestfloridaeaglecam  
Cam1: https://www.youtube.com/live/fMum_nLP...
Cam2: https://www.youtube.com/live/OG1KYnUb...
Cam3: https://www.youtube.com/live/fAvKzDGk...
360 Cam: https://www.youtube.com/live/oXu2uxDU...

Official Facebook page for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam:   / southwestfloridaeaglecam  
(This is a public page. You do not need a FB account to view the page.)

Website for Southwest Florida Eagle Cam: https://dickpritchettrealestate.com/s...
Updates and links are posted by the SWFEC Team in the chat box.


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