Identifying Britney Spears, Justin Bieber and Other Celebs by Their Tattoos | Tattoo Artists React

Описание к видео Identifying Britney Spears, Justin Bieber and Other Celebs by Their Tattoos | Tattoo Artists React

The celebrities in this quiz have some of the world’s most famous faces, but can you identify them just by their tattoos? We showed our panel of artists a series of tattoos and tested their knowledge.

At this rate, we’re pumping out seasons of Tattoo Artists React faster than those “Now This Is What I Call Music'' psychopaths. This time around, we’ve brought back some of your favorite characters to share their ridiculous stories, per your requests. We also had the chance to sit down with some folks for the very first time. This season you’ll watch us tackle the big questions, tell some silly tales and react to this thing the kids seem to love called TikTok.

Thanks for watching!

#Inked #BadTattoos #TattooArtists

Anthony Christian   / anthologytattoos  
Boris Bianchi   / borisbianchi  
Bradley Silver   / bradleysilvertattoo  
Dan Czar   / danczar_  
Deanna Maffeo   / deannamaffeo  
Jesse Levitt   / jesselevitt  
Joey Perez   / tattoosbyjoeyp  
Kasey Gonzalez   / tattoosbygonzo  
Mike Devries   / mikedevries  
Nick the Tailor   / nickthetailor  
Nico Perez   / inkbynico  
Nora Ink   / nora_ink  
Poch   / poch_tattoos  
Pony Lawson   / ponylawson  
Raphael Barros   / raphaelbarrostattoos  
Robby Latos   / robbylatos  
Sara Fabel   / sarafabel  
Sasha Masiuk   / sashatattooing  
Snuffy   /  
Thom Bulman   / bulman_tattoons  
Victoria Todd   / victoriatoddarttt  
Woah Kat   / woahkat  

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