Musings of Veeresalingam | English Short Film

Описание к видео Musings of Veeresalingam | English Short Film

“Musings of Veeresalingam” is a spoken word tribute to the poet and reformer who modernised Telugu literature and culture. It was 11 December 1881, Kandukuri Veeresalingam arranged the first widow remarriage in Andhra Pradesh, it took 25 years since the widow remarriage act was passed. He realised that no number of widow remarriages would bring change in the society if they are seen as outsiders, someone not part of the system. Veeresalingam decides to take every couple on a walk into civilisation, a walk to change the deep rooted fears and prejudices in the Indian psyche. Will he succeed?

By team Mozaik Studios for #IFP9
50 Hour Filmmaking Challenge | Professional Category
Theme: A Tale of Passion

This short film was made in a duration of 50 hours at World's Largest Filmmaking Challenge - India Film Project 2019
#indiafilmproject #ifp #shortfilm
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