Absolute Beginner DIY silicone mould

Описание к видео Absolute Beginner DIY silicone mould

in this video I show you how I make my first ever silicone mould. I have been so excited to try this out for the longest time but felt too intimidated.

I use a silicone mould with a short cure time. I use two glass tea light holders as my moulds and I use a food container as the vessel in which I pour the silicone.

This is the silicone I purchased: (Affiliate link)


I hot glued the container to the grease proof paper and make sure the tea lights are not touching the edge before I pour the silicone.

I poured the silicone from a height as the instructions say this will get rid of air bubbles.

The product and mould turned out great I hope you enjoy x

I have since been informed that Glass needs mould release spray.


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