Beyond Celiac Town Hall: CELIAC DISEASE Therapies BEYOND the GLUTEN-FREE DIET

Описание к видео Beyond Celiac Town Hall: CELIAC DISEASE Therapies BEYOND the GLUTEN-FREE DIET

Join Beyond Celiac for a discussion with Amelie Therrien, MD, gastroenterologist at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. This town hall will center around potential non-dietary therapeutic strategies for celiac disease. Potential treatment strategies currently in clinical trials will be covered along with the role of the gluten challenge and clinical trial designs.

Dr. Amelie Therrien is an adult gastroenterologist at the Celiac Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and an instructor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. She devotes 50% of her time to research and recently received a Junior Faculty development award from the American College of Gastroenterology to develop a research program in celiac disease. Her work includes mast cells and celiac disease, celiac disease in the postpartum, and clinical trials such as the Solutions for Celiac study on latiglutenase.


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