Who are India's ASHA workers? | The Hindu

Описание к видео Who are India's ASHA workers? | The Hindu

Accredited Social Health Activist Workers, or #ASHA workers, are #India’s frontline rural healthcare workers. They are female community health workers, trained to function as a bridge between the community and the public health system.

They have recently won the #WHO’s 2022 Global Leaders Award. The honour recognises contributions to advancing global health, leadership, and commitment to regional health issues. Prime Minister #NarendraModi applauded ASHA workers for “ensuring a healthy India”.

What are their responsibilities? How are ASHA workers selected?

Read more here: https://www.thehindu.com/news/nationa...

Reporting: Priyali Prakash
Voiceover and Production: Abhinaya Sriram

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