Se bastasse una canzone - Eros Ramazzotti - Interpretazione ( Song lyrics in description )

Описание к видео Se bastasse una canzone - Eros Ramazzotti - Interpretazione ( Song lyrics in description )

Una sorpresa per la mia amica sincera , umile schietta .
Tantissimi auguri Maria Russo .
Un altro brano per la tua speciale playlist 😜❤️😘

In questa canzone il cantante romano lancia un grido a chi soffre e a chi sogna un'umanità migliore. Il singolo ottiene immediatamente un successo enorme e diventa uno dei brani più significativi del cantante romano. Verrà inserito in seguito nella raccolta Eros nel 1997  in una nuova versione

.A surprise for my sincere, humble and frank friend.
Best wishes Maria Russo.
Another song for your special playlist 😜❤️😘

In this song the Roman singer shouts out to those who suffer and to those who dream of a better humanity. The single immediately achieved enormous success and became one of the most significant songs of the Roman. It will come later included in the Eros collection in 1997 in a new version.

🎧🎸🎙️ If one song were enough 🎧🎸🎙️

If a beautiful song were enough to make love rain You could sing it a million, a million times Enough already, enough already It wouldn't take that long to learn to love more If only a real song was enough to convince others We could sing it louder, since there are so many of them If so, if so You shouldn't have to fight to be heard more If only a good song was enough to help people You could find it in your heart, without going far Enough already, enough already There would be no need to ask for charity Dedicated to all those who are adrift Dedicated to all those who haven't had anything yet And I have always been on the margins Dedicated to all those who are waiting Dedicated to all those who remain dreamers For this reason we are increasingly alone If a great song were enough to talk about peace You could call her by name by adding a voice And another then and another then Until it becomes one color more vivid than ever Dedicated to all those who are adrift Dedicated to all those who have tried to invent A song for a change Dedicated to all those who are waiting Dedicated to all those who came up with too much wind That time remained within him In every sense they believed, sought and wanted it to be so Let it be so They believed, tried and wanted it to be like this


#erosramazzotti #sebastasseunacanzone


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