Charlie’s Place, Agia Galini, Crete

Описание к видео Charlie’s Place, Agia Galini, Crete

Charlie’s Place is an incredible taverna to go too and well worth a visit.

Set in a beautiful location, easy to drive too and also a lovely walk from Agia Galini beach front or main village.

The food is excellent and atmosphere wonderful.

What makes this place extra special is Charlie, Charlie does EVERYTHING on his own and it is amazing, from the moment you arrive, Charlie is there to great you, to take your order, cook the food, serve the food and drinks and then of course have a raki at the end of your meal.

And this is only the things we see, when lights are out, Charlie then cleans everything in preparation for the next night and then prepares all of the delicious food for when he opens at 6pm.

I honestly do not know how he does it, Charlie is AMAZING!

Visit Charlie’s Place to forget time, enjoy a relaxing meal and take the scenery in.

P.S - I met a lovely couple at Charlie’s, it happened all very quickly and they said such lovely things and we had a photo together. I am sorry but I didn’t get a contact for them and their names. So if you are reading this, please send me a message. Meeting really made my day, thank you for your lovely words 🥰


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