[Polarity] - Everything is Dual; All truths are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.

Описание к видео [Polarity] - Everything is Dual; All truths are but half-truths; All paradoxes may be reconciled.

This Principle embodies the truth that "everything is dual"; "everything has two poles"; "everything has its pair of opposites," all of which were old Hermetic axioms. It explains the old paradoxes, that have perplexed so many, which have been stated as follows: "Thesis and antithesis are identical in nature, but different in degree"; "opposites are the same, differing only in degree"; "the pairs of opposites may be reconciled"; "extremes meet"; "everything is and isn't, at the same time"; "all truths are but half truths"; "every truth is half-false"; "there are two sides to everything," etc., etc., etc. It explains that in everything there are two poles, or opposite aspects, and that "opposites" are really only the two extremes of the same thing, with many varying degrees between them.

To illustrate: Heat and Cold, although "opposites," are really the same thing, the differences consisting merely of degrees of the same thing. Look at your thermometer and see if you can discover where "heat" terminates and "cold" begins! There is no such thing as "absolute heat" or "absolute cold"—the two terms "heat" and "cold" simply indicate varying degrees of the same thing, and that 'same thing" which manifests as "heat' and 'cold" is merely a form, variety, and rate of Vibration. So "heat" and "cold" are simply the "two poles' of that which we call "Heat"—and the phenomena attendant thereupon are manifestations of the Principle of Polarity.

The same Principle manifests in the case of "Light and Darkness," which are the same thing, the difference consisting of varying degrees between the two poles of the phenomena. Where does "darkness" leave off, and "light" begin? What is the difference between "Large and Small"? Between "Hard and Soft"? Between "Black and White"? Between "Sharp and Dull"? Between "Noise and Quiet"? Between "High and Low"? Between "Positive and Negative"? The Principle of Polarity explains these paradoxes, and no other Principle can supersede it.

The Three Initiates. Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece (p. 26). Neeland Media LLC. Kindle Edition.


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