How to Dry Out your Kayaking Shoes or Wading Boots

Описание к видео How to Dry Out your Kayaking Shoes or Wading Boots

How many winter fishing trips do you do? For me I try to get away for some trips over a weekend further south then Charleston, South Carolina in the winter time. This is usually calls for a trip someplace in Florida. I will tell you that sometimes these trips are not as warm as you would hope. I can recall several trips in February to Merritt Island and camping out at KARS Park where the temperature would drop down to almost freezing. So this past winter I decided the trip would be to St. Marks instead to the panhandle of Florida.

Will I was wrong about the weather for the weekend trip to St Marks this year as Mother Nature decided to have an arctic blast reach all the way to the panhandle. While the cold temperatures affected the fishing and the trip only resulted in memories of a great adventure with a great fishing buddy that I shared with trick with him and now I will share with you.

I use this trick to dry out my wading boots even when I’m wearing waders, besides drying out my kayak shoes. So the process is very simple.

First I roll up some newspaper into balls to stuff into my wet shoes after I get off the water. Relax and have some dinner. After dinner when I get home I will pull out the wet newspaper and replace with some fresh newspaper. In the morning, I then remove the newspaper from the boots; the paper is only damp at this time. My state of mind will enjoy another day on the water as my feet will not feel as cold at the start of the day.

Next winter when you are planning on fishing multiple days in a row try this Jackson Adventures Tip to start off the second day with a warm feeling. Maybe your adventure will have some fish stories to go along with it.


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