Chris’s Hot Cross Buns

Описание к видео Chris’s Hot Cross Buns


500g Plain or Bread Flour
300g Warm milk
20g Fresh yeast or 7g instant Dry
70g Sugar
60g Butter
1tsp Salt
1 large egg
1tsp Cinnamon
1tsp Mixed Spice
150g of Raisins or Sultanas or a mix
Zest of 1 good sized lemon
Zest of 1 orange
80g of candied peel (optional)

2tbsp of apricot jam diluted with a little water to brush on top. Give it a few seconds in the microwave. This will make it more pliable. I did this but you can substitute with some sugar water instead

About 80g of candied peel. This is optional. I didn’t have any and I’m not a huge fan of it

For the crosses add water to 80g of plain flour to form a thick paste

This is an enriched dough which takes anything from 1.5 - 3 hours to double in size. You can add a little more yeast to speed up fermentation.

#easterrecipes #goodfriday


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