Phoenician Sardinia; the problematic Nora Stone Phoenician Inscription 880 BC.

Описание к видео Phoenician Sardinia; the problematic Nora Stone Phoenician Inscription 880 BC.

The Nora Stone Phoenician Inscription; (KAI:46) Circa 880 BC.

1-Peckham reading and translation (circa 1968):
In modified Latin Alphabet:
btršš wgrš hʾbšrdn šlm hʾ šlm ṣbʾ mlktn bn šbn ngd lpmy

English translation:

From Tarshish he was driven; In Sardinia he found refuge, his forces found refuge; Milkuton, son of Shubon the commander. To (the god) Pmy.

2-Cross reading and translation (circa 1972)

In modified Latin Alphabet:

hᵓ lḥm ᵓyt šrdnm btršš wgrš hʾbšrdn šlm hʾ šlm ṣbʾ mlktn bn šbn ngd lpmy

English Translation:

He fought (?) with the Sardinians (?) at Tarshish and he drove them out. Among the Sardinians he is [now] at peace, (and) his army is at peace: Milkaton son of Shubna (Shebna), general of (king) Pummay.

3- Fevrier reading and translation (circa 1950):

In modified Latin Alphabet:


English translation:

The main Temple that Noggar, who is in Sardinia, built completely. It is he who completed the work of building. Construction that Noggar built in honour of Pummay.

French translation:

Temple principal que Noggar, qui est à (en) Sardaigne a édifié complètement. Lui a mené à bout (la tâche d’œuvre de construction). Construction qu’a construite Noggar
en l’honneur de Pummay.

4- Krahmalkov Reading and Translation (circa 2000):

In Modified Latin Alphabet: [NBN K MṢ]B TRŠŠ, NGRŠ Hᵓ BŠRDN. ŠLM HᵓŠ LMṢB. ᵓM L KTN. BN ŠBN. NGD L PMY. (KAI 46 Circa 850 BC)

In Hebrew Alphabet:

נבנ ך מצב תרשש נגרש הא בשרדנ. שלם האש למצב. אם לן כתנ. בנ שבנ. נגד לפמי.


[Nibnu ki mitssa]b Tarshish, nigroshu hu bi-Sharden. Shillem haᵓish le-mitssab. ᵓim lu Kiton. Bune Eshbun. Nogid lu Pummay.

English translation:

« [ Re-founded here is the colon]y of Tarshish. It (the original colony) was driven out from Sardinia. May the people of this colony prosper! Its mother city is Kition. The founder is Eshbun. Its leader is Pummay.”

In Italiano:

« [Rifondata qui è la colon}ia di Tarsis. Essa (la colonia originaria) fu cacciata dalla Sardegna. Possa la gente di questa colonia prosperare! La sua città madre è Kition. Il fondatore è Eshbun. Il suo capo è Pummay.»

French translation:

[ Refondée ici est la colon}ie de Tarsis. Elle (la colonie d'origine) a été chassée de la Sardaigne. Puisse le peuple de cette colonie prospère ! Sa ville mère est Kition. Son fondateur est Eshbun. Son chef est Pummay. »

In Arabic:

أعيد تأسيس مستعمرة تارشيش هنا. تم طردها (المستعمرة الأصلية) من سردينيا. أتمنى أن يزدهر أهل هذه المستعمرة! مدينتها الأم هي كيتيون. المؤسس هو اشبون. رئيسها هو بوماي.


1- Les Inscriptions Phéniciennes et Leur Style, F. Stephan Lebanese University 1985.
2-Phoenician-Punic Dictionary, C. Krahmalkov, Peeters 2000.
3-A Grammar of Phoenician and Punic, S. Segert, Verlag C.H. Beck Munchen, 1976.
4- Textbook of Syrian Semitic Inscriptions, Volume III, Phoenician Inscriptions. J. Gibson. Oxford University Press, 2002.
5- Phoenician-Punic Dictionary, Charles R. Krahhmalkov, Peeters, Orientalia Lovaniensia, Studia Phoenicia XV, Leuven 2000.
6-A Comparative Semitic Lexicon of the Phoenician and Punic Languages. Richard S. Tomback. Society of Biblical Literature Dissertation series number 32. Wipf and Stock publishers, 1978 republished 2019


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