【K】Netherlands Travel-Amsterdam[네덜란드 여행-암스테르담]운하 유람선 투어/Canal, Cruise Tour/Station/Magere Bridge

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[한국어 정보]
암스테르담 관광이 시작된다는 중앙역. 1889년에 세워진 고풍스러운 건물이다. 중앙역 앞쪽에는 유람선 선착장이 있다. 나는 유람선을 타고 운하를 둘러보기로 했다. 암스테르담은 5개의 큰 고리 모양의 운하가 도시 전체를 감싸면서 그 사이사이 작은 운하길이 거미줄처럼 이어져 있단다. 때문에 도시의 4분의 1이 물로 채워져 있다. 관광객들은 독특한 풍경에 시선을 떼지 못한다. 운하의 도시다운 카페의 모습이다. 운하에는 생각보다 많은 배들이 있었다. 선장이 갑자기 무선연락을 취했다. 많은 배들이 나오는 휴일에는 배들이 부딪칠 수 있는 위험한 상황도 발생한단다. 배들의 모양도 각양각색이다. 이곳은 수상가옥이 밀집해 있는 곳. 물 위에 뜬 컨테이너 하우스 같다는 느낌이 들었다. 암스테르담 운하에는 1400여개의 다리가 있단다. 그중에서 가장 유명한 다리가 바로 이 마흐레 다리다. 20분에 한 번씩 양쪽이 들리는 도개식 다리. 1670년에 세워진 이 다리는 일부 보수돼 계속 사용되고 있다.

[English: Google Translator]
Amsterdam Central Station that tourism begins. The antique building was built in 1889. There are cruise ships can dock in front the Central Station. I decided to take a boat tour of the canal. Amsterdam has five large ring shaped like a spider's web of canals itdanda led four thousand two hundred forty-two that small canal length to surround the entire city. Since there is one-fourth of the city filled with water. Tourists do not keep an eye on the unique landscape. The appearance of the town cafes down the canal. Canal boats than there were a lot of thought. The captain took a sudden radio contact. The holiday also caused many ships coming danda dangerous situation that can hit ships. The shape is also a huge variety of boats. This is where the concentrated Waterhouse. Container house floats on the water feel equal heard. The Amsterdam canal bridge in 1400 over itdanda. The most famous bridge just darida Les Mach at them. Drawbridge is heard on both feet every 20 minutes. The bridge, built in 1670 has been used gotta keep some maintenance.

[Dutch: Google Translator]
Amsterdam Centraal Station dat het toerisme begint. Het antieke gebouw werd gebouwd in 1889. Er zijn cruise schepen kunnen aanmeren tegenover het Centraal Station. Ik besloot om een ​​boottocht van het kanaal te nemen. Amsterdam heeft vijf grote ring in de vorm van web van grachten een spinnenweb itdanda leidde 4242 dat kleine gracht lengte om de hele stad omringen. Aangezien er een vierde van de stad vol met water. Toeristen niet een oogje houden op het unieke landschap. Het uiterlijk van de stad cafes langs de gracht. Rondvaartboten dan waren er veel van het denken. De kapitein nam een ​​plotselinge radiocontact. Ook de vakantie veroorzaakte vele schepen komen danda gevaarlijke situatie die schepen kunnen raken. De vorm is ook een enorme verscheidenheid aan boten. Dit is waar de geconcentreerde Waterhouse. Container huis drijft op het water voelt gelijk gehoord. De Amsterdamse gracht brug in 1400 meer dan itdanda. De meest bekende brug net Darida Les Mach naar hen. Ophaalbrug is te horen op beide voeten elke 20 minuten. De brug, gebouwd in 1670 is gebruikt moet houden wat onderhoud.

■클립명: 유럽077-네덜란드03-02 운하 유람선 투어/Amsterdam Canal, Cruise Tour/Centraal Station/Floating House/Magere Bridge
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 김성기 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2013년 6월 June

,유럽,Europe,유럽,네덜란드,Netherlands,Nederland,,김성기,2013,6월 June,암스테르담,Amsterdam,Amsterdam,


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