MapleStory Demon Slayer 4th Job Skill Preview [HD]

Описание к видео MapleStory Demon Slayer 4th Job Skill Preview [HD]

Here is my 4th Job Demon Slayer hope you enjoy it!
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Korea MapleStory brings you MAPLESTORY LEGEND! 3 new classes Cannon Shooter, Mercedes and Demon Slayer!

Korea MapleStory Legend Arrival!
Cannon Shooter ( Adventurer): 7th July 2011
Mercedes (Hero): 21st July 2011
Demon Slayer (Resistance): 4th August 2011

Cannon Shooter a cannon user accompanied by a monkey that will aid with the attacks and buffs has the ability to swim.

Mercedes a dual bow user very elaborate skills and great mobility Mercedes is a class of its own, therefore it will have its own town similar to Aran gender of character can be chosen.

Demon Slayer a job that used to be a general within the Black Mage's army but has moved over to the resistance Demon Slayer instead of using MP, Demon Slayers will feature Demon Force and that is its Energy and Demon Slayer have its own specialties to grow wings, the wings grow as character level.

Cannon Shooter Skill Preview:
Mercedes Skill Preview:
Demon Slayer Skill Preview:

x3TheAran59 Administrator


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