Piano Staff Notes: The Notes on the Piano Staff

Описание к видео Piano Staff Notes: The Notes on the Piano Staff

Here's the notes on the staff and keys. http://www.pianoguidelessons.com, This graphic shows the notes on the keyboard and where they are represented on the piano staff. Notice how middle c is shown on both staves and is shown as a note outside the 5 lines and spaces of the staff. Notes that are beyond the range of the five lines and spaces are shown by using ledger lines which are added above or below the staff as needed. Also notice how the staff has the letters of the musical alphabet in consecutive order going from line to space and line to space and so on. It's important to remember that each one of the notes on the keyboard are represented in a specific place on the staff. OK, so how do we memorize the notes on the staff? Well you can memorize these commonly used sayings, or make up your own. Memorize the right hand line notes, e g b d and f with the phrase Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge. It's important to memorize where the notes are on the keys also. So find the e above the middle c, that's the bottom line of the right hand staff; and play and say the notes. You're actually skipping notes because you're skipping the spaces.
So here we go: e g b d f Try that again, e g b d f
Memorize the right hand space notes f a c e, which spells the word "face" which rhymes with space. Now we'll try to play and say the names of the right hand space notes: Here we go, f a c e try that again, f a c e .Memorize the left hand line notes g b d f a, with Good Boys Deserve Fudge Always. Which is very similar to the right hand line notes so you have to keep that in mind.
Now let's play the left hand line notes. G b d f a, we'll try that again, g b d f a
Memorize the left hand space notes a c e g with the phrase All Cows Eat Grass
OK, now we'll try the left hand space notes, say and play, a c e g, we'll try that again, a c e g


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