The Woods [lyrics video]

Описание к видео The Woods [lyrics video]

From Not Yet, out 7/19/24

Track 2: The Woods. A few years back I did an exercise where I took a several-hours-long night walk in the woods of Maine and thought through every year of my life from birth to present in chronological order, remembering as much as I could.

It started as a numbers parade: 1988, turned 1…1989 turned 2…then images start to flicker in. Then childhood crushes and skateboards. Breakdancing (lol) and cliff jumping.

I was nervous to get to my adult life, expecting the NYC years would disconcertingly blur together. But cycling through date by date it was all there. Micro-chapters. Everything I miss, everything I don’t, and all the fuckups I’m eager to never repeat again. Lots of love.

I got lost at one point and creeped out at several others.

I wrote The Woods the next morning.

Animation by James Thatcher


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