How She Created a Food Forest in 3 Years on 1/8 an Acre (Garden Tour)

Описание к видео How She Created a Food Forest in 3 Years on 1/8 an Acre (Garden Tour)

Growing food in the city is easier than you might imagine. Join us in this mini series as we go on an urban homestead tour of a south Florida food forest border of central Florida food forest just 3 years in the making! See what they have done on their 1/8 of an acre lot to become self sufficient and get some urban homesteading ideas and small space gardening tips. Creating a self sufficient backyard is totally achievable even while balancing a busy lifestyle.

_____________________________ 👋 Vibrant Life Landscapes 👋_________________________
Get in touch with Lisa about her project or working together:

_________________________________ 🌱 Buy Vegetable Seeds 🌱__________________________
Shop my curated collection of organic heirloom seeds that thrive here in Florida:

_________________________________ 👋 Florida Seed Club 👋_____________________________
Get 3 varieties of in season veggie, herb, & flower seeds shipped to your door each month:

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___________________________☀️ Recommended Garden Equipment List ☀️________________
Everything from fertilizer to tools:

______________________________ 📚Recommended Reading List 📚 _______________________
Suggested reading for starting a Florida veggie garden:

_________________________________📆 Upcoming Events 📆 ____________________________
I teach several classes online and in person a month on rotating topics:

______________________________ 👋 Book a Virtual Consultation 👋_______________________
Video calls to get all your questions answered - it can be as long or short as needed:

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