Spring Pursuit: Missouri Snows 2021 [Glory Days Ep. 36]

Описание к видео Spring Pursuit: Missouri Snows 2021 [Glory Days Ep. 36]

#TeamHF travels back to Missouri after chasing Snow Geese in Arkansas, and the battle continues. Extreme cold pushed back the migration, making for a hectic reorganization of the Habitat Flats season. Doing whatever it takes to show hungry Snow Goose clients a chance at getting under a tornado, the team pulls out all the stops to make the most of the annual spring conservation season. #NoPlugs #NoLimits #GO

Subscribe to the Tony Vandemore YouTube Channel for more episodes from the Glory Days series!

Hunt Habitat Flats: www.habitatflats.com.

Get Tony’s Gear: www.tonyvandemore.com/gear-shop
Official Tony Vandemore website: www.tonyvandemore.com
Glory Days Channel: www.tonyvandemore.com/episodes

Sponsored by: Bass Pro Shops | Benelli | Cabela's | Hard Core Decoys | HEVI-Shot | Polaris RANGER | YETI

Produced by: RT Bailey


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