Broken Reality - Full OST

Описание к видео Broken Reality - Full OST

It's finally done. After 168 GB of footage, nearly 2 hours of music, a playthrough lasting 12.5 hours, 103 in-game music files, and around 37 hours of work, this massive project is finally done. Wew boi.

Broken Reality's soundtrack never got a proper release. The game has over 50 songs and yet the official soundtrack doesn't even have 20. I really wanted to be able to listen to the soundtrack, so I went about trying to find a way to access the game's files. After a lot of searching I found out the game's music uses a system called WWise. A loosely-documented plugin used for dynamic music in games. (It's also used in Life is Strange and For Honor) Only 1 guy has made a program for extracting files from WWise, called WWise Unpacker. It's not perfect though, as I couldn't get to any files deemed "sound effects" by the devs. They must have done something else with their formatting I guess. Any files I couldn't get to, I simply did an in-game recording of. Any I could get to however, were in pieces, as the game has a dynamic music system. So every song was divided into multiple clips that I had to put back together myself. Love Cruise had by the far the most, with 20 separate clips. But generally it was about 3 or 4 per-song. Everything here is my personal mixes, and in-game recordings of the game's music. I have no affiliation with Dynamic Media Triad, I just really like the game and wanted a way to listen to the soundtrack. Any ads placed on this video are not by me, but by copyright holders of their respective songs. (This video has 2 claims, for E-mall and Credits)

Song List
Section 1 - Domo Paradisso
0:00:00 - Intro Theme
0:00:06 - Menu Theme
0:01:44 - Entrance Gate
0:03:29 - Domo Paradisso
0:07:44 - Beach Dude's Radio
0:08:44 - Beach Huts
0:11:13 - Old Man's House
0:13:42 - Dragon Road
0:15:59 - Frog Pond
0:18:51 - Dance Club
0:21:47 - E-mall
0:25:07 - A Dark Tale
0:25:38 - Admin's Office
0:29:16 - Domo Paradisso Unused 1
0:31:23 - Domo Paradisso Unused 2
0:33:24 - Domo Paradisso Unused 3
Section 2 - Axis Plaza
0:35:48 - Axis Plaza Radio 1
0:38:00 - Axis Plaza Radio 2
0:40:15 - Axis Plaza Radio 3
0:42:13 - Train Station
Section 3 - Aquanet
0:43:47 - Entrance Portal
0:44:42 - Bridge
0:46:47 - Aquanet Intro
0:47:00 - Aquanet
0:48:20 - Temple
0:50:31 - Memory
0:52:29 - Archives
0:54:18 - Quad
0:56:57 - Balcony
0:59:46 - Tower
1:00:32 - Dissipation
Section 4 - Love Cruise
1:01:15 - Inside the Ship
1:03:06 - Restaurant
1:05:15 - Love Cruise
1:08:15 - SWIM
1:09:34 - Guest Quarters
1:11:36 - Captain's Quarters
Section 5 - Geocity
1:12:30 - Geocity
1:16:03 - Police Search
1:17:05 - Geocity Plaza
1:19:57 - Disco District
1:22:17 - Outside CatCoin Casino
1:25:24 - Rooftops
1:28:45 - Skeleton Band
1:30:41 - DTop
1:32:57 - Geocity Unused
Section 6 - Innernet
1:34:59 - Innernet Hub
1:36:25 - Cradle
1:38:20 - Desert
1:39:37 - Plinth
1:42:22 - Pit
1:43:44 - Styx Intro
1:44:09 - Styx
1:49:32 - Shutdown
1:53:39 - Credits
1:56:02 - Save
Soundtrack Download
Notes and Thoughts
Mixing unused songs was pretty fun since I got to almost solve a puzzle figuring out how the clips went together.

I learned a neat thing when recording Bridge. The music there is made up of various clips that play at random, and eventually stop after about 2-3 minutes each time you enter that area. More songs in the game do this as well, such as the music when leaving DTop, and every song in Innernet. Which is why that area is all just in-game recordings.

Geocity is the only location where I couldn't get every song. (Besides the short piano thing in the ending room. That one had pops in it's audio and I couldn't manage to fix them) The songs missing from Geocity aren't anything crazy though. Just the Blaze Runner shop, and the CatCoin Casino. For CatCoin it was simply because the song looped really poorly even in-game, and was only like 12 seconds long. Blaze Runner I simply couldn't get the file for, and in-game the ambient sound effects were too loud to do an in-game recording of it.

Thanks for listening/watching. I really appreciate it.


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