Choral Evensong from Gloucester Cathedral

Описание к видео Choral Evensong from Gloucester Cathedral

From Gloucester Cathedral during the Three Choirs Festival
Featuring the choirs of Gloucester, Hereford & Worcester Cathedrals

Order of Service - Evensong

Introit: We Wait for thy Loving Kindness (McKie)
Responses: Leighton
Psalm 119 vv1-16 (Day; Parratt)
First Lesson: Song of Songs 1 vv12-17; 2 vv1-5
Magnificat (Arvo Pärt)
Second Lesson: Matthew 5 vv1-12
Nunc dimittis (Holst)
Anthem: Hymn to the Creator of Light (John Rutter)
Hymn: All for Jesus (Stainer)
Organ Voluntary: Annum per annum (1980) (Arvo Pärt)

Adrian Partington (Director of Music)
Anthony Gowing (Assistant Director of Music).

First broadcast: Wednesday 31 July 2013 on BBC Radio 3


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