Trent McConaghy, Co-Founder - Ocean Protocol - V1 Beta Product Release

Описание к видео Trent McConaghy, Co-Founder - Ocean Protocol - V1 Beta Product Release

Trent McConaghy gives a sneak peek into Ocean Protocol’s upcoming V1 beta product release. He describes how AI/data science community will benefit from Ocean’s decentralized tools. Then, Jerry Pregelj gives a demo of the Commons Marketplace, and Marcus Jones presents Manta Ray Jupyter integration for data science. Trent and Don conclude the session with a Q&A.

Trent McConaghy did AI & optimization research for two decades, including AI to help drive Moore's Law. For the last several years he's worked on blockchain, focusing on democratizing data via Ocean decentralized data economy for AI, BigchainDB decentralized database, and advising the Estonia E-residency program. Connect with Trent on Twitter @trentmc0



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