From the Flight Deck – Aspen/Pitkin County Airport (ASE)

Описание к видео From the Flight Deck – Aspen/Pitkin County Airport (ASE)

Aspen-Pitkin County/Sardy Field is a small, single runway airport located in the Roaring Fork Valley just 2.5 miles northwest of the resort town of Aspen, Colorado. It has associated Class Delta airspace and is surrounded by rapidly rising terrain from the northeast through the southwest. ASE is a high altitude airport with a field elevation of almost 8000’. A high density altitude will affect aircraft performance all year round but especially in the summer.

1:06 - The single runway numbered 15/33 has a parallel, almost full length taxiway on its east side. All services and facilities are located east of the runway.

1:22 - Aspen operates in an Opposite Direction Operation configuration 100% of the time due to surrounding mountainous terrain. Most aircraft will land on runway 15, and depart on runway 33. This may create challenges on windy days as tailwind conditions frequently exist. During the busy periods of summer and winter, it will be likely that you will come in close proximity to opposite direction traffic aircraft near the airport.

2:14 - Runway 15/33 is sloped at nearly 2 degrees. Runway 15 landings will be an up sloping grade and runway 33 will land or depart in a down sloping grade. When approaching the runway, be conscious of runway slope illusions. The Roaring Fork Valley creates a natural funnel of lower terrain to the northwest. Because of this, the runway 33 departure corridor is located northwest of the airport and the runway 15 arrival corridor is located to the north, northwest aligning with final. Due to terrain and the high volume of both VFR and IFR aircraft, it does not take long for this area to become congested. VFR aircraft are encouraged to contact Aspen Approach 15 miles out on Frequency 123.8.

3:10 - Common VFR entry points to the area are Snowmass Village, and the City of Aspen.

3:48 - For IFR arrivals, the most commonly used approach procedure is the LOC/DME E approach, or on good weather days, the visual approach. Due to opposite direction Operations, aircraft on the visual approach should expect instructions to line up on the final, or track the localizer. IFR departures can expect to depart on the LINDZ departure procedure.

4:56 - Pilots have reported a visual illusion on final for runway 15 that seems to lead them to the right of the runway. At least one jet has mistakenly landed in the grass west of the runway.

5:38 - After landing, there are several issues that require extra attention. Unless otherwise instructed by ATC, continue past the runway hold bars and join Taxiway Alpha. If you are unable to do so, inform ATC immediately. You may receive instructions to join the taxiway behind outbound taxiing aircraft. Contact ground control on 121.9 as soon as you have crossed the runway hold-short line.

6:03 - The north half of the parallel taxiway is a non-movement area. Aircraft exiting at Alpha 1 thru 3 may encounter aircraft or vehicles that are not under ATC control. Remember, while pilots need to ensure that their aircraft is completely across the hold-short line when exiting the runway, if you are unable to do so, inform the tower immediately.

7:04 - There are three Hot Spots on the airport. Hot Spot # 1 is an area where there is minimal distance between the west edge of the ramp and the runway. The runway hold short lines are located along the edge of Taxiway Alpha which runs along the edge of the ramp. Do not cross the hold-short lines at any spot on the airport, without appropriate clearance from the tower. Taxiway A2 intersection also directly connects to the runway. Pilots should be aware of this fact and use caution to not inadvertently enter a movement area or block aircraft from exiting the active runway.

7:38 - Hot Spot # 2 is located at A4 intersection. In addition to the short taxi distance from the ramp to the runway, this intersection is a high traffic area for aircraft taxiing out from the north and south GA ramps, holding short of taxiway A4 intersection, where most arrivals exit the runway.

7:59 - Hot Spot # 3 is located on taxiway Alpha 9 at the approach end of runway 33. The hold short lines are placed in a manner that does not allow the pilot to see the final for runway 15. Pilots should use caution in this area and ensure that they have approval to enter the active runway before crossing the hold short lines.

The FAA's From the Flight Deck video series uses aircraft-mounted cameras to capture runway and taxiway footage and combines them with diagrams and visual graphics to clearly identify hot spots and other safety-sensitive items. Learn more at

This video is informational only and does not replace the pilot’s responsibility to conduct required pre-flight planning in accordance with FAR 91.103.


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