ជ្រលងលិង្គ១០០០,ទឹកធ្លាក់ព្រះឥសូរ,Preah Iso Waterfall,Khmer History,Preah Iso Waterfall Resort,

Описание к видео ជ្រលងលិង្គ១០០០,ទឹកធ្លាក់ព្រះឥសូរ,Preah Iso Waterfall,Khmer History,Preah Iso Waterfall Resort,

Hello YouTube Team and Hello all peoples all word wide This is my News Chanel Talk about Khmer History in Cambodia That why i create this Chanel by i want to show about history in Cambodia for all people to learn and to know especially people khmer live in cambodia and out side country also so please help subscribe my news chanel and help share my videos.Thanks.


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