Roblox Project Lazarus: New Milkor MGL Update [Testing with Logitech101]

Описание к видео Roblox Project Lazarus: New Milkor MGL Update [Testing with Logitech101]

Hey guys I know that I'm a bit late on this video. I just wanted to make sure that I put out quality videos for you guys. I had the opportunity to get into a test server yesterday with Logitech and it was awesome.

I hope you enjoy the video. Let me know in the comments whether you like this new update.
Take care and God Bless.

00:00 - Intro w Logitech101
00:34 - Milkor MGL Mk1
02:48 - zombie hit
02:57 - Weapon Framework
03:08 - Explosions
04:10 - Projectile Framework
04:24 - Manually Operated Weapons
05:03 - No Weapon
05:48 - Perk Machines
06:07 - Research Map Update
06:28 - HUD
06:39 - Security
07:03 - Ranger Buff
07:14 - RPD and M249 Reload Animation
07:31 - Crossbow Visual Bug
07:46 - Nail Gun
08:06 - Logitech101 New Map?
08:26 - Outro

Site Links
Project Lazarus Discord -   / discord   (Link may expire) If so please use the link from the project lazarus wiki below.
Project Lazarus Wiki -
EMG Roblox Group -
EMG -   / @edgemastergaming  
EMG discord link -   / discord  
EMG twitch link -   / edgemastergaming  

Video Links
MCX-SPEAR -    • Видео  
PM-9 update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: New PM-9 Upda...  
Nail Gun update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: Nail Gun Upda...  
Frostbite update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: Frostbite Upd...  
Crossbow update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: Crossbow Upda...  
Launcher update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: Carl-Gustaf M...  
KEDR-B update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: KEDR-B Update...  
Masada update -    • Roblox Project Lazarus: New Gun Masad...  

Nail Gun, Frostbite, Cold Gun, Project Lazarus Roblox, Pack a punch, m26 mass, wonder weapons from logitech101.

Psalm 139:14


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