India's only cyber crime police station

Описание к видео India's only cyber crime police station

(29 Jul 2008) SHOTLIST :
Bangalore - July 2008
1. Various of International Technology Park complex
2. Pan over people working in call centre
3. Mid of people working
4. Close of hands on keyboard
5. Mid of board saying 'Cyber Crime Police Station'
6. Pan over police personnel working at police station
7. Various of officers working
8. Close of page referring to a cyber crime case being scrolled on computer screen
9. Close of fingers on mouse
10. Over the shoulder shot of computer screen
11. Close of computer screen
12. Close of hands on keyboard
13. SOUNDBITE (English): Dr Ajai Kumar Singh, Director General of Police, Corps Of Detectives
"This is the only cyber crime police station...exclusive cyber crime police station anywhere in India. It was opened in 2001. But the law authorises us to record and register and investigate cases only under three provisions of law- section 65, 66 and 67 of IT ( Information Technology ) Act, that is source code tempering, then obscene mails and messages and the hacking. If these offences are involved, we are authorised to really register the case and investigate on our own. All other cases using any computer for frauds and all that doesn't really become a cyber crime."
14. Various of contents of hard disk being checked
15. Close of computer screen
16. Low angle shot of officer working in laboratory
17. Pull out from computer screen being visible in glasses to close of face
18. Mid of board saying 'Cyber Lab Bangalore'
19. SOUNDBITE (English): Dr Ajai Kumar Singh, Director General of Police, Corps Of Detectives
"Police department as such must have this capacity to tackle these problems and I think all states willy-nilly are falling in line and they are trying to build up their capacities in dealing with this and this is going to become more and more important because these thing is that use of computer is so common that whether crime or most of the activities are conducted through computers and mobile phones."
20. Pan over training class for police officers on tackling cyber crime
21. Mid of instructor
22. Tracking shot of officers attending the training programme
23. Pull out from close of screen
24. SOUNDBITE (English):Dr Mahesh , Cyber Crime Division , Corps of Detectives
"Every police station has a territorial limit. In case of the internet and cyber crime they are finding that the offender is sitting in some other place, the complainant is sitting in some other place and since the jurisdiction spans almost the entire country and in some cases have a global character, it's very difficult to catch the accused who are scattered almost all over the globe. "
25. Mid of woman using online banking
26. Close of computer screen showing bank's online banking website
27. Close of fingers on key board
28. Close of eyes
29. Close of computer screen
Bangalore is often called India's cyber capital, as it is home to many major Information Technology companies and software professionals.
Call centres and other outsourced businesses such as software writing, medical transcription and back-office work employ millions of people in India.
With some of this technological expertise being diverted to illegal activities like hacking and siphoning off funds from banks accounts , the security within the outsourcing industry is also coming under increasing scrutiny.
To deal with the increasing incidence of internet crime, the Bangalore police has set up India's first police station exclusively for dealing with the cyber criminals.
Keyword wacky

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