Lamella Clarifier, Lamella Settler, Lamella Separator - Leiblein GmbH

Описание к видео Lamella Clarifier, Lamella Settler, Lamella Separator - Leiblein GmbH

The lamella separator (also lamella clarifier) separates settleable solids (particles) from liquids and is used for instance in the treatment of process water and waste water.

00:00 - Construction and components of the lamella separator/lamella clarifier
00:48 - Inlet of the dirty water into the lamella separator/lamella clarifier
01:22 - Sedimentation of the dirt particles in the lamellas
01:33 - Sludge discharge
01:47 - Cross section of lamella package: Settling path of a solid particle
02:38 - Clear water discharge

Visit for more information about Leiblein Lamella Clarifier / Lamella Settler / Lamella Separator for water and waste water treatment.


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