【ENG SUB】周深 Charlie Zhou Shen【LYRICS】請篤信一個夢 Please Believe in a Dream

Описание к видео 【ENG SUB】周深 Charlie Zhou Shen【LYRICS】請篤信一個夢 Please Believe in a Dream

2020.01.20 【VIDEO】

請篤信一個夢 (動畫電影《姜子牙》片尾曲)
Please Believe in a Dream (The ending song of animation film “Legend of Deification”)

電影《姜子牙》片尾曲《請篤信一個夢 》由周深演唱,沃特艾文兒作詞,陳禹作曲。電影中外表堅韌內心柔軟的“小九”,正是當下獨立女性的縮影,歌曲獻給每一個向往愛與溫柔的你。大年初一,路途再遠,也要回家。

“Please Believe in a Dream”, the ending song of film “Legend of Deification”, is performed by Zhou Shen with lyrics from Wo Te Ai Wen Er (Whatever) and composed by Chen Yu. The character Xiao Jiu, which is tough in appearance and tender deep down, is representative of the independent women nowadays. This song is for each of you who are longing for love and warmth. On the first day of the Lunar New Year, no matter where you are, it’s time to go home.

作曲 : 陳禹
作詞 : 沃特艾文兒
編曲:陳禹 李建衡 向心·引力studio
Composed by:Chen Yu
Lyrics by:Wo Te Ai Wen Er (Whatever)
Arranged by:Chen Yu / Li Jianheng (Gravity Studio)
Release Date: 2020.01.17

Luckily, you never choose to stop because of exhaustion
There is a familiar voice leading you in moving forward
Only the innocent eyes can see through the world
Love and tenderness are our deep-rooted beliefs"

         — 周深《請篤信一個夢 》
           Zhou Shen "Please Believe in a Dream"

Translated by :Harmony晴天
Edited by :茶空Chaconne
Proofread by JJ Kwan

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