ACTING | Cirkus Cirkör | IDG Summit 2023

Описание к видео ACTING | Cirkus Cirkör | IDG Summit 2023

Cirkus Cirkör is a non-profit initiative that was started in 1995 and is today the largest circus company in the Nordics. Their business includes performances on tour around the world, courses and educational programs for all ages, a #circus gymnasium and events for companies and organisations. They also conduct research, teach, lecture, progress technical innovation, and provide residency programs for #artists.

Since Cirkör was founded, the desire to work educationally has been as strong as the artistic drive. #environmental thinking has existed in the organisation for a long time, and in 2015, Cirkus Cirkör applied and was approved as a signatory to the UN Global Compact, following their 10 principles - in human rights, labour law, environment, and anti-corruption – for #sustainable business. Through the language of the contemporary circus, Cirkus Cirkör creates ground-breaking #artistic experiences with the vision of making the impossible possible - on stage, in the training hall and in society.

About Inner Development Goals
In 2015, the UN Sustainable Development Goals (#SDGs) provided a comprehensive plan for a sustainable world by 2030.

However, progress is not happening fast enough, and we urgently need to increase our collective abilities to face and work effectively with complex challenges.

This is why we are co-creating the Inner Development Goals (#IDG) – a non-profit, open-source initiative committed to fostering inner development towards more sustainable futures. We research, collect, and communicate science-based skills and qualities that help us to live purposeful, sustainable, and productive lives.

Follow our journey from inner growth to outer change:


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