Truth or Dare - Quarantine Edition

Описание к видео Truth or Dare - Quarantine Edition

Enjoy the first of a series of Quarantine themed videos we'll be releasing for the next couple of Mondays. The World is going through enough right now so hopefully this can lighten your load.

If you want to be involved with our mission to bring wholesome comedy to the world, but don’t know how to help, check out Patreon for ways to get involved and get special perks:
  / jkstudios  

Special thanks to our amazing Patreon patrons for making this possible, especially Jack Abramowitz, Anne M Moscrip, Mark Nicholson, John Pestana and Lee Schnee.

JK! Studios was founded by a group of friends that met in college at BYU. They went on to create a popular sketch comedy TV show, Studio C. After 7 years they left to follow their dreams and create a “safe for work” comedy hub by forming JK! Studios.


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