Korean Medical Startups

Описание к видео Korean Medical Startups

[Anchor Lead]

On the Korean start up beat, a number of firms here in Korea are showcasing innovative medical products for use in rehabilitation or to assist in the lives of people with disabilities. Some items are already drawing interest overseas. Let’s take a look.


This is a braille smart watch for the blind. The user can use braille to receive text messages, alerts and navigation information from the watch which is connected to the smartphone. The watch has already attracted 35 billion won worth of preorders at home and abroad before official sales have even begun. The developer is actually the winner of the KBS TV Show "Golden Pentagon" in 2014 where startups competed on air. The firm also recently won a global competition for brilliant startup ideas.

[Soundbite] Kim Ju-yoon(CEO, Dot Inc.) : "I approached the event as a way to showcase our product and not so much as a competition."

This smart glove elaborately detects hand movements. This stroke patient can receive rehab treatment while enjoying a game at the same time. Most services provided by startup firms are sensitive to client taste and the latest trends of the time. But products that assist overcoming physical disabilities have a steady, consistent market.

[Soundbite] Lee Han-joo(Co-founder & General Partner, SparkLabs) : "Our services are universal, not limited to any country and cater to all disabled people worldwide, pointing to great growth potential.

Korean startups are standing out in the field of disability and rehab, securing an edge in both commercial aspects and public contribution.


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