Halloween Home Tour 2020

Описание к видео Halloween Home Tour 2020

Hello hello hello my friends! I have finally finished decorating my home for Halloween! It only took 3 days, LOL! (The things one does for the love of decorating.) The house will stay decorated this way until October 31st. I won’t change a thing. It is this way for ALL seasons. This year, I only purchased a few new things for Halloween; a couple of ghosts from Bethany Lowe I found online, another ghost and 2 bottle brush trees from the store At Home, two candelabras from Michaels, and two witch's brooms. I'm also featuring a new Mark Robert's Witch my mother-in-law was so kind to gift me for Christmas last year. She has white curly hair, a beautiful purplish dress, and sassy sparkly glasses! I hope you all enjoy the Tour. I appreciate you for watching, and don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already. I hope everyone has a safe and spooktacular Halloween! See ya'll in December for my Christmas Home Tour 2020!!!


Hola amigos y amigas! Gracias por visitar mi canal. Espero en Dios que todos se encuentren bien y con salud. Aqui les dejo mi video de Halloween. Tarde 3 dias en decorar la casa. Pero valio la pena, ya que aqui todos disfrutamos a lo maximo de las decoraciones. Esero que lo disfruten! No olviden de regresar en Diciembre para mi Home Tour Navideno! Bendiciones a todos y muchos saludos!!!



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