Return to Lemuria Light-Codes | Healing Energy for Starseed Awakening | Light-Language Meditation

Описание к видео Return to Lemuria Light-Codes | Healing Energy for Starseed Awakening | Light-Language Meditation

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Four mixes of "Return to Lemuria Light-Codes" are available.

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Mayastar provides daily spiritual guidance, energy healing articles & relaxing meditation music. However you participate in the Mayastar collective, your contribution is deeply appreciated! Your support allows me to devote my time & energy to providing resources to inspire & uplift you on your spiritual path 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌

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Artwork & animation by Mayastar.

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Mayastar creates ambient New Age music with a dream pop style and ethereal light-code mantras. Light-language can communicate unique healing frequencies, uplifting your energy and providing good vibes! The dreamscape mixes are great for sleep and winding down, relaxing, Yoga or meditation. The Light-Language Mantra Mixes are great for Law of Attraction, manifesting, gratitude, energy healing and rituals.

The 5D light-code chants convey happiness, healing, peace, prosperity, abundance, joy, hope, positivity and optimism. They are intended to help you with progressing your healing journey and spiritual awakening, clearing your aura, banishing negative energy, removing blocks, repelling the evil eye, drawing good fortune, activating the pineal gland, vibrational healing, achieving higher consciousness, 5D ascension, enhancing intuition and psychic abilities, connection with the spiritual realms, connecting with the angels or with your guardian angel, aligning and balancing the chakras, activating the third eye, lucid dreaming, shamanic journeying, connecting with Buddha, connecting with Lemurian and Pleiadian Light-Beings, connecting with divine feminine and goddess energies, connecting with the ascended masters, the violet flame, the akashic records, shakti energy, kundalini awakening, crystal healing and many other energy healing systems.

And it's not just meditation music! It's also relaxation music, focus music, reiki music, shamanic music, healing music, background music, study music, calming music, spa music, adhd music and sleeping music! Something you can use as a magical backdrop to brighten your days and nights. Use this music to relax your mind, relieve anxiety and stress, overcome insomnia and it may even help with migraine, depression or low mood, and overcoming fear!

I use subtle binaural beats in all of my tracks, and I play all of the instruments! This music isn't computer generated - it has soul and authenticity - and I hope you'll be able to hear that! Listening regularly may increase your energy vibration and make your life a little brighter! I hope it will 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌


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