Бібі Блоксберг - Великі перегони на мітлах

Описание к видео Бібі Блоксберг - Великі перегони на мітлах

Bibi and Sheba want to take part in a relay race for young witches. There’s a lot of competition and all magic means, to make brooms faster, are allowed. Against Barbara’s warning, they want to boost up their brooms by using a dangerous lava and brimstone mixture. But while they’re looking for the ingredients at the volcano, Bibi’s broom Apple Pie falls into the crater. Bibi and Sheba start to look for him and meet the broom race specialist Racella, who has her secret lab in the volcano. She is the inventor of the brimstone-lava turbo brew, which Bibi and Sheba are trying to find the ingredients for. Racella had found Apple Pie down in the crater and was just about to test her mixture on him because something still isn’t right with the newly mixed batch. All the brooms that Racella has tried it on have exploded. Bibi and Sheba want to help Racella to find the mistake and produce a proper batch of turbo brew. However, something goes wrong again and Bibi gets into great danger.


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